What a change! To give IBM another food for thoughts, Google (GOOG) market capitalization is $140 billion with its 5,700 employees, exactly the same as IBM's one with its 329,000 employees. Track the stock comparison chart between IBM, HP, Accenture, Google and Dell here. It is not yet reflecting HP successes, but gives already Accenture ahead of IBM. Of course, as we already noticed in Marketing 2.0 in Is your brand relevant on line, some new Marketing 2.0 elements are influencing the stock value. In HP's case, its recent turmoil at the company's top could have started a negative buzz about the company's legendary ethical values. When is HP starting its corporate blog? Come on, fellow marketers at HP, take a chance on Marketing 2.0. Wait, they've started several of them. Here they are. But where is Mark Hurd's? Eric, that is Eric Kintz HP Vice President Global Marketing Strategy & Excellence, as you seem to be a Web 2.0 savvy marketer -- read his blog all about marketing -- couldn't you have more influence on your CEO?
Bonjour Emmanuel,
Sorry it took me so long to comment - Thanksgiving in the US...
Thanks for the link. As far as Mark's blog, I am personally more a proponent of having employees blog than C-level.
My 2 cents.... I know that you guys have a different perspective.
Bonsoir Eric,
You're welcome. Good to see that you're doing it genuinely.
I strongly believe in personal blogs rather than corporate ones. I would have effectively a different perspective about C-level blogs, including CEO's, as it participates to the transparency brands need today.
I'd be happy to discuss it with you over e-mail when you get a chance.
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