Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Online Ads more effective than TV for offline CPG Sales growth and brand building: +9%

A recent study published by ComScore and its research partner dunnhumbyUSA, shows that consistent online advertising can actually lift retail sales in the CPG industry by 9% over a 3 months period and contribute more to brand building than TV ads (+8% over a 12 months period according to an Information Resources, Inc. report.).

"These early results confirm the ability of online advertising to successfully build retail sales of [consumer packaged goods] brands on par with the impact of television advertising. It is likely that the more precise targeting ability of the Internet – especially in terms of accurately reaching the desired demographic segment – is a key reason for its effectiveness. That is meaningful in and of itself, but when you take into account the fact that online advertising is generally less costly than television, these results take on even greater significance," said Gian Fulgoni, Executive Chairman of comScore

Let me know how does your marketing-mix looks for the remaining part of 2009, you may bend it to more of the web?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Social Networking Users Demand for a Single Place for their Digital Identity

Good Material to support our Marketing Plans. This Universal McCann research is conducted every year and this is the 4th Wave. Social Media is taking the web planet by storm but now is the time where it seems active internet users - those accessing at least every other day - are looking for the "one place" for their digital identity rather than spreading around various specialized social sites.

Just a few numbers to give you a clue:
  1. 62.5% of active internet users (16-54 years old) have created a social profile in 2009,
  2. 71,1% have visited a friend's home page.
  3. 81.5% of Social Networking Users did message friends,
  4. 76.3% uploaded photos,
  5. 74.3% found old friends
  6. 56.4% found new friends
  7. 47.9% joined a group
We should provide these influencing people ways to populate their unique digital profile with ways to engage and maintain dialog with our brands in different form factors. Video is still the #1 form factor, but "instant UGM news" is ramping up as twitter's success attests and Facebook acquiring FriendFeed - that I started to use recently - reinforces as well.