Saturday, July 28, 2007

User-generated content spans interest across generations

User-generated content and other web 2.0 trends, one would think, are mostly driven by teenagers and young adults. On the contrary. Here is an interesting research lead by Harrison Group (an independent research services firm) conducted from February through March 2007, showing that both the old and young generations enjoy reading magazines and are receptive to print ads. Additionally 51% of U.S. consumers are interested in watching and reading user-generated contents.
Harrison Group categorizes them as young Millennials (ages 13 to 24), Generation X (25 to 41), Baby Boomers (42 to 60) and older Matures (61 to 75). Here are some of the findings (read more on Deloitte site and Are you ready for the future of media? ):

High Demand for User-Generated Content
  • 40 percent of all survey respondents are making their own entertainment (editing movies, music and photos)
    • 25 percent of Matures
    • 56 percent of all Millennials; leading Millennials (18-24) participate more
  • More than one in 10 Millennials are actively uploading their own videos on the Internet
  • 51 percent of all survey respondents are watching/reading content created by others
  • 71 percent of Millennials, 56 percent of Xers; Boomers/Mature participation is less, but noteworthy
  • 53 percent of Millennials would download more videos if connection speeds were faster
  • One-third of online content viewing is done on user-generated sites
    • Almost ¼ for Matures, ½ for Millennials
This reinforces our belief that user-generated content is expanding its impact on several industries as media, software, music, videos, TV, ... Stay tuned for more.

By the way, let's celebrate our first Marketing 2.0 birthday. It's been already a year since I started my English-French blog about Marketing in the web 2.0 era. Thanks to you this blog is spanning its influence in many countries and I enjoy many more subscribers every day. Keep it growing. Thanks to you all.

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