It's been a while since we didn't bend back on numbers. Here are some good news on the online ad spend for 2007, coming from emarketer.com, that I wanted to share with you. If you don't want to read it all, here is a quick summary:
- eMarketer is raising its 2007 forecast from $19.5 billion to $21.7 billion i.e. from 18.9% to 28.6% growth closer to the 30% growth seen for the last 3 years
- they even see 2008 stronger with 30% growth to a total $28.8 billion, thanks to the US presidential elections
- 2009 will slow down a bit to 18.1%,
" Online advertising as a share of the total media budget will surpass radio this year, eMarketer said, and top 10% next year." -- Advertising Age, June 2007
Come on, one last to hit the road: WW user-generated content sites will earn $1.6 billion in ad revenue for 2007 moving to $8.2 billion in 2011, predicts eMarketer. Marketing 2.0 finally makes money, isn't it?
I forgot, but you know fir sure. iPhone, it's now to get yours!
Yes,it is. Cool statistics! The growth is evident. Thanks for sharing
This is a very interesting fact, it will certainly open the eye of many marketing manager to the importance of Internet as and rich media
Alexander from www.pages.usherbrooke.ca/alesieur
I guess that the future progress of these things will correlate inevitably with the already-in-progress Economic decline (like with dollar).
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