Saturday, January 22, 2011

How does your marketing compare to best in class?

A recent research from Aberdeen about Marketing Asset Management gives an opportunity to compare to the best in class.
Aberdeen uses 3 key performance criteria to compare:

  1. 44% of the sales forecasted pipeline generated by marketing, as compared to 2% contribution for laggards organizations,
  2. An average 9% reduction Year-over-year cost of market asset creation, as compared to a 6% increase among laggards,
  3. 15% average decrease in year-over-year time-to-market of content of all types and formats, as compared to an increase among laggards.
To achieve best in class performance, you need to

  • Allow all geographies and business units to customize marketing content with proper control
  • Centralize asset approval and distribution to expedite time to market and improve content

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Paris, Jardin Robert Cavalier de La Salle - 26 December 2010